Monday, July 21, 2008

Saying Goodbye...

The day we thought about and planned ( and I thruthfully dreaded) for so long finally arrived this past week. Jordan left for Iraq this Wednesday morning for seven months. Sometimes I find myself thinking he is going to walk through the door any minute. Other times I find myself trying to wrap my mind around living apart from someone who since high school has been my best friend and sweetheart. Its been difficult, and a true test of my personal strength and my faith in God. However, I am finding out new things about myself every day. I have already discovered that I am a great deal stronger than I ever thought I could be. I've also realized that the things I miss the most about him are things some married couples take for granted or find mundane. I miss just knowing that at the end of the day I will get to see his face. I miss hearing about his day at work while I cook him dinner. I miss watching TV with him at the end of a long day. Simple, unfabulous moments that were and still are everything to me.

I'm starting this blog so that our family and friends (most of which are far from us) can stay updated with what is going on in our lives. I hope to write fairly often and I will send out an e-mail when there are new posts. I will also try to include pictures.

I want to let everyone know that I am doing fine. I am working at a job that I absolutely love, I am sorrounded by amazing friends, I have a wonderful church home and am constantly busy. Nothing can replace Jordan in my life but there are things that can make it easier not having him here. I have been blessed to have those things and am confident that we will come out of this stronger as individuals and as a couple. Most importantly however, I truly believe this will bring us closer in our relationship with God. That alone makes everything worth it.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Isnt it so amazing to see the little leasons God will put in your path through this time? He has a funny way of doing that :)